Jul 8, 2007


Yesterday, we went out to buy a bed for our spare bedroom. As we were pulling into the parking lot, there were a bunch of people running and shouting expletives. I thought there was a fight so I told D that we should turn around and leave. But he was intent on buying a new bed today and nothing was about to get in his way.

Then I saw what caused the commotion: a Honda station wagon crashed into a big tree. At over 100mph, witnesses said. One woman came up to me and told me to not go near and look. Everyone in the car is dead, she said. She even more worried that there might be a baby in the car since there was a car seat in the back.

Ever the ukitan - curious, I went and looked anyway. Yes, it was a pretty gory sight. I just have to write this down to get it out of my system. After a few minutes, the police and paramedics came but it soon became obvious that the people in that car were dead. And a little sigh of relief when we found out that there wasn't a baby in that car. The authorities were telling everybody to back off so we left and bought a bed like we intended to do.

Accidents like that remind me to be even more careful when driving. Especially now that I usually have Parker in the car with me. That accident wasn't the worst one I have ever seen but it certainly is a big enough reminder to be very very careful.

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