May 21, 2008

Another Long Day

Today, I had another one of those extra long days in my life.

6:00 am - woke up. checked emails. jumped into shower. scrubbed arms extra clean. clothes. makeup.
6:45 am - ran to car. drove to hospital
7:10 am - arrived at hospital. went to registration
7:20 am - got called to registration. was told i was at the wrong window.
7:25 am - went to admissions window. signed up.
7:45 am - went to laboratory waiting area, dropped off paper work. wait...
8:00 am - got extremely bored. there was nothing good to read at the waiting area.
8:25 am - got called into laboratory. palms started sweating. panic ringing sound started in my ear.
8:27 am - in the lab. the phlebotomist examined both arms and decided the right arm was better.
8:28 am - my eyes closed and trying really hard to keep breathing under control (panic attack was in full swing: ears ringing, cold clammy hands, urge to cry and scream), the phlebotomist asked me if I was from Vietnam. No, I said. I'm from the Philippines. While I was saying that, I felt a tiny prick and the blood drawing thing was already in my arm.
F O R E V E R - waited for blood vials to get filled. i kept my eyes closed and concentrated on breathing properly.
8:32 am - done. needle was out, gauze and bandage in place. I looked and saw six vials of blood.
9:00 am - arrived at work.


11:08 am - phone alarm went off. time to go to the orthodontist.
11:20 am - arrived at orthodontist's office.
11:21 - 12:00 - just plain bored.
12:01 pm - finally got called to the chair.
12:23 pm - done.
12:45 pm - arrived at In N Out drive through right near my office.
1:05 pm - back at work. whew!


2:30 pm - coffee break. write down thoughts so I can concentrate on work again.

There are approximately 3 simultaneous phone conferences going on within a 30 feet radius of my cube. My noise-cancelling headset is not doing a good job.

I try to not take work home. But I have to do that today. So tonight, it's work, work until 8:30 when my bellydancing class starts. Then more work after that.

One of those days. I need icecream.

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