Dec 30, 2007

the Walk Out

I just read this story form Sun.Star Cebu. It said 19 barangay captains walked out of the Cebu International Convention Center after Joy Ouano announced that only 13 out of the total 27 barangay captains qualified to vote for the Association of Barangay Captains elections.

It is becoming fairly common for political procedures in the Philippines to fail because leaders simply "walk out" when they don't get their way. Let me just say, there are few gracious losers in the Philippine political arena. Whoever made walking out "uso"(popular) in the Philippines deserve to be hanged.

My countrymen are extremely proud of the unity we showed during the EDSA revolution. And rightfully so. However, it sounds like that was only possible because a lot of people happened to decide to do the same thing at the same time. If there was enough opposition to it, those people would simply have marched with those protesters then "walked out" at the last minute. I bet my last two pesos that would have happened.

The Philippines could seriously use some unity right now. And some gracious losers. There are good people in government. As a people, we Filipinos should learn how pick them out and listen to them. And those "walk-outers"? If they don't want to honor the position the people have placed them in, then maybe they should walk out. Permanently.

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