Sep 16, 2007

Political Correctness

Last week, we took JellyBean to the doctor for his regular checkup. I was getting bored waiting for the doctor so I tried to pass the time by singing "Little Indian" to Parker. If you're Filipino and around my age, you probably know this song.

One, little two, little three, little Indian.
Four little five, little six, little Indian.
Seven little eight, little nine, little Indian.
Ten little Indian boys!

I didn't even get to three little Indians when my hubby nudged me and pointed out the obvious: JellyBean's doctor is Indian and she might get offended. Wow, I never thought that song would ever be offensive. EVERYONE sang the Little Indian song when I was little.

After the doctor's visit, we discussed the matter of the Little Indian song. D said that we should mix it up. Here's his updated, trying-to-be-politically-correct-and-fair version:

One, little two, little three, little Kazakhs.
Four little five, little six, little Croatians.
Seven little eight, little nine, little Americans.
Ten little Italian boys!

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